We have but one purpose, to bring His children back to him.

What is this about?

In this section I am going to tell you a little of what I will do, as a one man operation. I intend to provide both encouragement and tools about Bible study and Prayer and Living a Christian life. I will not do lifestyle articles or how to rear your children except where it may be appropriate in support of a concept or precept from the Gospel.

This is about keeping to the first Century message: Christ Risen. It is the reason for our commitment to Our Lord and Savior. From the Old Testament and throughout the New Testament we can find answers to all life’s problems, especially in these days and times. The Old Testament is filled with how to live as is the New Testament. Love rules in all of that and it will be shared here as often as it can be.

I will relate to you what God says. I will strive to keep my “opinions” that cannot be supported by Scripture to myself. Concerned about Bible translations or Hermeneutics or Tribulation issues. I will address those. Many things will be peeled back, like the arguments about grace and salvation and once saved always saved. You will find honest answers here, based on what God says in His inspired Scripture. We follow 2,000+ years of investigation and serious arguments about many points. I can only share Scripture says and whenever possible give you the various positions people hold that cause division and strife within the body of Chritians. Many things require you to seek help via the Holy spirit for understanding. He will teach and clarify all of it to you and I.

If I could, I would set with you over coffee and delve into the Word so that we might come to understand what it is that we read.

I am not a minister and have no degrees. I am a slave of Christ’s. I am trained to be a teacher in the corporate world and understand the responsibility I have to honest with you regarding God’s word. Some of this is hard to swallow, like forgiveness and who is really saved and why is there death and destruction all around us. The answers are there for us and we will ferret them out together.

As things move forward, I will have printable digital study guides and the seemingly endless lists of things found in Scripture. There will word studies and personality profiles as we get further along. I charge nothing for anything you find here. As is stated on the Blog page, this site is not funded. We do not charge for anything, and we have no affiliate links. We have chosen a wonderful organization that deserves anything that you might send.

I will include things from the Old Hymns and the thoughts and sermons of ministers who have contributed so much to the life of Christians. People like Spurgeon and Wycliff and Reidhead. Men whose shoulders we can stand on as we worship and praise our God. And I will share with you suggestions regarding books and programs that can be used to support your study life. My selves are filled with precious writings that explain and round out whatever we seek to know. I publish a posting every Friday Morning. Soon I will have a set up to take your subscription and to stay in touch with you and to facilitate the delivery of freebies we will have.

I am sorry you cannot get a really cool coffee mug or a spectacular t-shirt about Jesus and you cannot buy a Bible here … Jesus should be free. I like Paul have a way to fund myself. I have no issues with Christian sites that have to be funded. People gotta eat, and doing this can interfere with making a dollar for groceries. I know, the ox should not be muzzled and yet Paul did not always take a purse handed to him. Let’s just talk about Christ and the inexplainable thing He offers us … Heaven with Him and God in a place without time or illness and no need of sunlight. A place where we may be with our Father and his Son without end. Where we will enjoy the fullness of our Salvation.

Thank you for stopping by. If you find anything here worthwhile, I only ask that you share the link for God’s Pursuit with someone you care about. Meanwhile keep looking up, things in this world are just like before the flood and we know that Jesus returns soon. May God Bless You and all those you love.


So Why The God’s Pursuit Title?

Since before Creation God has sought to have a family; children to worship and love Him faithfully in obedience. The angels, his creation also, were not his ultimate desire. He does not need us yet chooses to have us. As God He is in need of nothing however he started Creation with us in mind.

“For this is what the Lord says - the Creator of the heavens, the God who formed the earth and made it, the one who established it (he did not create it to be a wasteland but formed it to be inhabited) - he says, ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:18 CSB

He created Adam and Eve to be the first inhabitants and they had one rule to not violate:

“The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and to watch over it. And the Lord commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will surely die.” Genesis 2:15-16 CSB

Adam and Eve ate of it anyway! The Serpent tempted Eve and she ate first. She then offered that fruit to Adam who also ate. They died spiritually then and did not realize it. No one taught them how to how to violate God’s rule; it was in their nature. They exercised their free will and became sinners. They ignored God’s clear warning. Just as we do.

Everything changed in those moments. They knew God intimately and still chose to violate His rule. God found them in their sin hiding and naked except for leaves as coverings. He killed an innocent animal to make them clothing. And there the first blood was shed for their sinful conduct. Sin always requires a debt be paid to God for faithlessness. God kicked them out of the garden. And he put guards at the entrance to the garden so that they could not return.

“For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil cannot dwell with you. The boastful cannot stand in your sight; you hate all evil doers.” Psalms 5:4-5

I took the liberty to shorten this story. In following postings we will fill in all the details and explain how God was not surprised. He had a plan for what happened, and it involved a savior for men to have their sin debt paid and to allow them to become his children and to renew that short relationship He had with mankind before Adam and Eve sinned.

It was not temptation that was the sin, it was the yielding to it. It caused separation. They received immediate results because of their decisions to violate God’s law. They did not heed the warning. They ignored it in their deeds and thoughts.

Since then God has sought to restore His creation to a right relation with Him. That requires a sacrifice for the original sin and all the sin that would follow. God had that arranged from before creation in Jesus, the perfect and sinless sacrificial lamb. And through Him we may regain our rightful standing with God. The entirety of the Bible supports what I insert here:

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6-7 NKJV

We have so much to cover about our relationship with God and His offer of Salvation.

“This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.” 1 Timothy 2:3-6 CSB

All that God wants from you

is everything;

for everything

that he has done for you!